Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Scream If You Hate Web 2.0

I'm tired of reading all about Web 2.0... Nomenclature is an important facet of human existence, but this is just a crass marketing term. Spitshine ideas that have been floating around for years and suddenly they're a hip, new thing? Nonsense.

I don't give a damn about Wiki's page calling "the new web" a platform for serving applications. Give me a break. To call the web anything other than a platform is to ignore its development. We are seeing exciting new stuff on the web because it was designed that way. Sure static HTML is simple and boring; but it's a metaphor for the programming concepts involved with presenting things over the Internet.

It doesn't matter that those concepts got better with time or got other technology bolted on top. The obsession with tacking a revision number adds little value other than the buzzword du jour. Stop trying to classify things as "oh that's so Web 1.0" or bless the latest startup company "a stellar example of Web 2.0".

Keep version numbers for products. Leave the damn mediums alone with their traditional names...

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