Friday, October 20, 2006

Engadget Schools Sony Over PS3... Or Does It?

I'm a pretty avid gamer and have a non-functional Xbox as well as an older PS2 that I got shortly after its launch. Since I didn't really miss my Xbox when it broke (except for playing Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2) and didn't pick up the 360 despite many trips to Best Buy, I would call myself loyal to the Playstation ecosystem. It's not been an easy ride to the release of PS3. But I'm bullish in thinking Sony isn't out of the marketshare game yet.

Yes, I'm disappointed at Sony's arrogance with the PS3 missteps. As a company they've blown the mindshare leading up to this console's release. But I'm not entirely convinced that Sony was out of line for their 360 and Wii comparison. Just the delivery of it...

Why? Because I will purchase the $600 version of the PS3 eventually. That means I will compare all the features on that console to what the 360 offers. And when I do that comparison, the prices aren't so out of line. Now if I was doing Sony's PR on this, I'd have fessed up to that. I would have compared the low end PS3 and 360 and show just why it is a better machine. And I'd have shown how both high end machines with similar outfits aren't so out of whack in price.

And this comparison will hold more weight as the generation matures. Sony should focus on how their bet is on the long term where Microsoft is focused on the immediate. Here's the story on Engadget:

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