Friday, July 29, 2005

Washington Post: What About Integrity?

If you are as concerned as I am about the state of corporate news media, this story is a sad but unsurprising one: the White House spins a story to the media with the caveat that they get no counterpoint from Democrats. The Washington Post is advocating the White House position instead of providing balanced reporting of the news.

Have we become so morally bankrupt that we accept such blatant violations of trust? To the editorial board, have you forgotten the tenets of journalistic integrity? You must follow the guidelines of truthfulness, accuracy, and impartiality. Your legitimacy demands more than providing short-term shareholder value. More importantly, even if you believe biased reporting will add to the bottom line, it is not sustainable when your audience or the public realizes they've been hoodwinked.

Hopefully the Post will get letters and complaints for this unethical behavior; you can send one to or reach their Ombudsman, Michael Getler, at

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