Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bend Over, Ohio: You're Getting Shafted

For those of you keeping tabs, here's the 3759th reason America is fucked. Ohio's chief justice, a Republican, has disqualified every judge in Cuyahoga County (evidently largely Democrats) from hearing a corruption case brought by that country's commissioner against high level Republicans including the state's governor. Check out the link for all the gory details so I don't have to summarize it like you're in grade school.

Ohio: clean up your fucking act. Partisan politics is one thing but this smells dirtier than a bordello in Thailand. The "perception of bias" is pretty fucking apparent in this situation: GOP operatives are manipulating Justice. The only real link between the commissioner and the Cuyahoga judges is their political party association. Hagan (said commissioner) controls the budget? So fucking what! If he manipulates the budgets to reward or punish the judges involved, the press should nail him to a stake. I'm confident that the D after his name would guarantee that nowadays...

From where I'm sitting it looks like the Chief Justice is going to be picking the judge he'd like to hear this case. The stench of complicity is overwhelming.

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