Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mac bloggers, how do you do it?

Motherfucking web. Shitty little Blogger. Goddamn Mac.

Fuck the fact that the Web is supposed to be platform agnostic. It ain't. You get reminded of this frequently when you're using a Mac. I'm sure the Linux boys come across this too even though they're usually too caught up in their hobbyist PC bullshit nonsense to admit as much.

Anyway to my point: Blogger fucking doesn't work with any of the browsers I use on my Mac. Safari can't handle rendering the fancy toolbar in Compose mode. Camino gets you a bit further but it's a cock tease: Javascript errors prevent you from actually using the damn Compost mode. Internet Exploiter leaves you wishing for an enema. Something, anything, that'll help you feel cleaner...

Yes, yes, I've since found Blogger's happy help section which gleefully lets me know that I need to use Firefox or that bloated Netscape shit. So Firefox it is even though I'm grumbling the whole way. Funny thing is that I have this love affair with the 'Fox on my PC but I think it looks like ass on the Mac. Probably because Camino is my fall back Mac browser for the times that Safari's KHTML rendering does a shit poor job.

Eh fuck it. I've got more interesting things to rant about. This should work until I get my own website going. Of course I'm sure WordPress is gonna give me the same bile-rising anger for some reason or another...

Well so much for writing about how much I hate Karl Rove or whatever this post was initially going to be... I'm sure I'll have plenty to bitch about later. Which leads me to ask: why the fuck are you still reading this? You're like a fucking perv watching me jerk off on this posting...

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